Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,
This year, Rochelle Township High School (RTHS) is providing detailed and personalized feedback to students and parents about student progress at RTHS. The RTHS student profile provides an update on your student’s academic content knowledge and skills, academic behaviors, and personal growth and transition plan.
At RTHS, our goal is to “prepare students for their tomorrow.” Please use the following information as a guide as you review your student’s Tomorrow Readiness profile. Consider your student’s progress in terms of the goals they have set for themselves after high school. Ask yourself, “Is my student on track to achieve this goal?”
-- If you have questions or see potential data errors, please contact Mr. Wise at
--RTHS understands that a student’s plans for after high school may change. The career goal listed on your student’s profile was chosen by the student in a conversation with their counselor or through a student survey.
If a student has changed his or her mind, all the student needs to do is speak to their counselor to update their goal.
--The student profile is produced twice during the school year. The Semester 1 profile is generated in late January and early February. The second profile which includes data from Semester 2 and the summer school session is produced in late July and early August.
-- By emailing the profile we are able to link you directly to several resources inside of the profile that can provide additional insight and explanation to the information provided. If you do not receive a copy of your student's profile please contact Mr. Wise at to ensure your email address is registered in our system and that your student has selected a post secondary career.
-- The RTHS Student Profile is produced in Adobe Acrobat for maximum compatibility. It will require the free Adobe Reader software or a compatible browser plug-in to view it. This software can be download for free at:
The following information is meant as a more specific guide for parents and students as they review each student profile.
--The top portion of the cover page details your student’s career interest and the amount of education after graduating high school that is typically needed to achieve this career goal.
--The entire student profile is based on the student’s stated career goal.
--The bottom portion is a College & Career Readiness Snapshot. The indicators under both College Readiness and Career Readiness are supported by research which shows students who meet these i-indicators are more likely to be ready to achieve their goals after graduation.
--Use some of these indicators as goals to achieve by graduation. Most students will need all four years to meet these indicators.
--Understand that it is not appropriate for students to meet every single indicator due to the major differences in each student’s goal for after high school.
--The top table shows your student’s academic progress over four years at RTHS.
--The RTHS Key Indicators for Post-Secondary Educational Success section outlines class options based on a stated career goal.
--These classes are suggestions based on general career fields. They may or may not be appropriate for your student. Understand that this part of the profile does not replace speaking with an RTHS counselor about a student’s specific plan.
--The bottom portion of this page shows your student’s SAT assessment history. For each sub-test there is a College Readiness benchmark established by SAT. How does your student compare to SAT’s benchmarks?
--Please note that senior students have not taken the SAT assessment series due to recent changes in state- wide testing.
--This entire page comments on your student’s Academic Behaviors. Academic Behaviors refer to the soft skills and behaviors that take place at RTHS which have an impact on performance at school and a student’s ability to be successful after high school.
--Your student has rated his or herself based on how often these behaviors are being utilized.
--RTHS teachers also rated each student’s performance for the semester. A teacher average should appear in your student’s profile.
--Based on the feedback on this page, is your student regularly using successful academic behaviors?
--The final page offers feedback on the RTHS class offerings that can directly impact students after they leave RTHS.
--Some listed in the table at the top of the page connect with college opportunities (AP and Dual Credit) and others focus on career opportunities (Kishwaukee Education Consortium and Work-Based Learning).
--The bottom half of the page is a checklist for students to use as they think about getting ready for life beyond RTHS.