Safe School Helpline
If you see something, say something! The Safe School Helpline is a convenient, confidential way for anyone to report information about situations that might affect safety at RTHS. Click below for more information.
Skyward is the student information system used by RTHS. Parents and students can access schedules, fees, grades and other important information. Click below to login and for more information.
Pushcoin is used to pay fees, buy breakfast and lunch and purchase from the school store. More information is available by viewing the Pushcoin homepage.
RTHS School Calendars
View a one page calendar, monthly calendar and events calendar by using the link below.
New and existing students can register online through the skyward application. Click below to view information on getting registered to attend RTHS.
Student Handbook
The student handbook is a useful tool for all parents and students. Check out the handbook at the link below.
Alumni Association
The RTHS Alumni Association was started in 1932 by William Parsons. To view the Alumni Association newsletter and for scholarship giving information visit their homepage link below.
Freshman Cheat Sheet
Click the link below to view helpful RTHS information for incoming freshman and new students.