Athletic Forms and Information
Athletic Waivers Online
Combined signature page simplifies athletic participation requirements.
We have made the RTHS Athletic Waivers available online.
Previously all forms (Code of Conduct, Private Insurance Requirements, IHSA Return To Play Policy & IHSA Steroid Testing ) required a separate signature by the student athlete and parent / guardian. These forms can now be read on the RTHS website and signed by returning the Athletic Participation Signature Form.
These four forms can be found under the Athletics menu. From there click on "Athletic Forms & Information". Open each of these documents listed above. After reading them, open and print the Athletic Participation Signature Form. It is not necessary for you to print all of the pages, only the signature form. If you choose, you may pick up a copy of any of these documents outside of the Athletic Office.
Reminder: The IHSA Scholastic Standings for Eligibility changed with the 2012 school year. Students now must be passing FIVE academic classes for participation eligibility.
Student and parent / guardian must sign, date and return the Athletic Participation Signature Form PRIOR to participation in any practice or contest. A current sports physical must also be on file. Physicals are valid for 395 days from the time they are given. Should you have any questions, contact the Athletic Office during regular business hours.
Print this form to take with you for your doctor to complete. Remember to fill in the health history portion, sign and date the form.
Paper copies of this form are available from the RTHS Athletics office.
Read this document as the Code of Conduct will be strictly enforced for all RTHS Extra-Curricular Participants. ( Note changes in the Violation page)
This document outlines symptoms of a concussion and IHSA policy on PEDs
This form is to be signed by both athlete and parent
Read this document before signing the Athletic Participation Signature Form
All students participating in the listed activities need to sign and return this form prior to the 1st sport/activity while enrolled.